Observational Sketchbook Drawing: Still Life (Virtual 4-Class Series)

Observational Sketchbook Drawing: Still Life (Virtual 4-Class Series)

from $20.00

This is a technical skills class in observational drawing, or drawing from life. Students will focus on a series of drawing exercises that will help them become stronger at drawing realistically. This takes a lot of hard work and practice. Young artists will also be given optional exercises to practice at home throughout the week between classes. Patient, determined and dedicated artists who love drawing with pencils will thrive! Recommended ages: 8-13.

  • Thursdays in February (4, 11, 18, 25)

  • 3:30 -4:30pm EST

  • Estimated Materials Cost: $15*

*Materials are not included in the price of the class. A full list of materials with links with be sent to families after enrolling in this class. Many of the materials you may already have at home.

Payments made above $100 for this class are donation level. All income above $100 will be used towards scholarships for families with financial need. Thank you for making a difference for these children!

Choose a price from the sliding scale options that makes sense financially for your family.

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